About the Chesapeake Chapter

ERA begins where selling begins – in the local territory.  As a manufacturer or a rep, the ERA is your point of entry for fellowship, networking and idea exchange with other electronics representatives, as well as impacting the industry as a whole.  Chapter meetings and activities provide programs of timely interest, plus an ideal environment for profitable interface with customers, principals and peers. Delegates from each Chapter constitute the national governing structure of ERA, carrying the local message to headquarters, government and industry.

Tradtionally, the Chesapeake territory includes the states of Maryland and Virgnia and Washington D.C.  However, some of our member rep firms offer extended representaion coverage - either organically or through alliances with other firms.

The extended coverage area can include parts or all of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and/or West Virgina.  Some member firms have even larger reaches north and south.  So when you contact our member firms, please feel free to discuss all of the territories in which you need represenation!

Chapter Officers

President (open)
Secretary/Treasurer Tom Teal, Cover 2 Sales / Naudain Associates Southern
National Delegate Steve Cooper, Cover 2 Sales / Naudain Associates Southern


For a list of our Chapter's member firms, please visit our Member Firms page.  And to make contact with or to equest more infromation from the Chesapeake Chapter, please email us at: info@chesapeakeera.org.

Contact information

Chesapeake Chapter ERA



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© Chesapeake Chapter, Electronics Representatives Association